Easy Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie

Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie

Peanut butter, for instance, works really nicely with bananas. It contains many vitamins that are good for our body to function properly. It helps you control hunger and is good for your heart! According to an estimate by Kansas State University, the quantity of peanut butter consumed by america alone in 1 year is sufficient to spread upon the floor of Grand Canyon. Standard peanut butter is fantastic for you because it’s a nutrient dense food with healthy fats that will provide you with a sense of satiety.

Bananas have a lot of minerals and vitamins, especially potassium which will help build muscle and synthesize protein. It is also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that we need throughout the day, and it’s full of fibers that are good for our digestion. Keeping frozen bananas in your freezer is a wonderful idea if you get a sweet tooth.

If you’re seeking to tinker with the recipe, you may add a small extra Greek yogurt to generate the smoothie more creamy, or you may help it become more sweet by adding some vanilla extract or a couple of teaspoons of sugar. An excellent smoothie recipe makes it possible for you to mix up ingredients. It can be hard to find decent smoothie recipes for high fat low-carb keto diets.

This Peanut Butter & Banana Smoothie is my become to salubrious breakfast that takes only a few minutes to throw together as well as tastes similar H2O ice cream 😀
1 frozen banana*
½ loving cup of milk (any sort y’all desire)
½ loving cup of yogurt (you could exit this out if desired or swap it for an equal sum of frozen cauliflower)
3 tablespoons of peanut butter (can besides swap out for two tablespoons of peanut butter powder)
Combine all of the ingredients inwards a blender as well as blend until smoothie. If needed, add together a piddling to a greater extent than liquid (even only H2O industrial plant okay) to acquire the blender going a flake more.
*your banana doesn’t *have* to live frozen but the smoothie won’t live equally thick as well as creamy. It WILL notwithstanding live rattling tasty amongst a non-frozen banana though!

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